In addition to our Facebook account, Drumbelt is now on Instagram! Follow us @drumbelt today!
Lone Star Percussion Now Sells Drumbelt!
We're excited to announce that the great people at Lone Star Percussion are official vendors of the Drumbelt! Visit their booth, and ours next door, today at the UD Expo Tent here at WGI Indoor Percussion World Championships!
Halftime Magazine Features Drumbelt
The nationally-circulated "Halftime" magazine has featured Drumbelt in their April issue. The magazine focuses on resources, gear, articles, and more to assist educators in the marching arts. Check it out on the "Halftime" magazine website at
Percussion Resource Liquidrum Highlights Drumbelt
Todd Meehan's wildly popular percussion website Liquidrum has highlighted the Drumbelt just in time for the Texas Music Educators Association In-Service Conference. Liquidrum serves as an excellent resource in the realm of percussion education, and has reached an enormous audience through its insightful articles and tongue-in-cheek videos. The Drumbelt gets the Liquidrum video treatment in this latest release. Check it out at
Visit our Booth at TMEA!
Come check out the Drumbelt at TMEA Thursday-Saturday! We're in booth 445, where you can try on the Drumbelt with a variety of battery instruments from different manufacturers. See hands-on what everyone is talking about, and you can transform your marching percussionists' experience!
Mardi Gras Parades are Tough on Percussionists!
It's that exciting time of year when Mardi Gras parades and parties light up the streets of many a city in the Gulf Coast region. Mardi Gras parades are a fun way for marching bands to participate in their community, fundraise, and to visibly highlight their program for huge audiences.
But Mardi Gras parades are often long and taxing, especially for your marching percussionists. So take a cue from some of the bands in the Mardi Gras belt who have recently ordered Drumbelts for their battery. The ergonomically designed system will ensure that the weight of those snares, tenors, and basses is shifted from your drummers' shoulders, and that weight won't pull them forward at the hips. Order today to get them in time for your upcoming parade performances!
Monarch Indoor Percussion Takes Drumbelt for a Spin
The Texas indoor percussion group Monarch Independent Percussion spent some time on Monday, December 28th, giving the Drumbelt a try with their ensemble. Monarch Independent is a by-audition-only independent indoor percussion ensemble that competes in the TCGC circuit, as well as the WGI Championships in Dayton, Ohio.
The full battery spent the day rehearsing with the Drumbelt on, and they were impressed with the results.
"I love the Drumbelt!" said tenor player Armando Gaucin. Gaucin is a music major at New Mexico State University. "Within a couple of minutes with the Drumbelt, I noticed a huge difference. Not only did it help with my lower back pain that is caused by the heavy drums, but it had a positive impact on my marching."
Other performers in the group were equally impressed with the Drumbelt. Kris Mason, a snare performer in the group, said "The Drumbelt relieved the vast majority of the strain I feel when I wear my drum. It dispersed the pressure equally throughout my back and kept the drum secured tightly to my abdomen, making it easier to control. The more control, the farther and faster I can move. It makes wearing a drum comfortable."
Thanks to Monarch Independent Percussion, their performers, and the excellent staff, for giving the Drumbelt a shot!
WSFA News Highlights Drumbelt
Check out the latest news story to break regarding the Drumbelt, this time from WSFA TV News, Montgomery, AL. The full video is available online at
Drumbelt Creates New FaceBook Page
Drumbelt is pleased to announce a new FaceBook product page. The page will mirror all news and promotional items on the official page, while providing a platform to share new video, photos, and news stories about The Drumbelt! Check it out at